We are celebrating National Volunteer Week 2024. Here is an example of the work our generous volunteers do to support Newcastle Anglican and the wider community.
Wallsend Community Garden
St Luke’s Wallsend is blessed with a vibrant and enthusiastic group of volunteers.
Over the past few years, they started an Op Shop and UpCycling ministry, as well as a Domestic and Family Abuse ministry which supports the local women’s and children’s shelter.
In 2023, the parish applied for and won a grant to start a community garden – something it felt Wallsend was calling out for.
Led by Parish Secretary Sarah Scott and Professor John Holdsworth, the team began clearing land, moving garden sheds, and laying concrete slabs for water tanks (which are thankfully now full). Then, the all-important work of building wicking garden beds was led by engineer David Scott, ably supported by some of the younger parishioners, Njeri and Shiku Eaton.
The great thing about the community garden is there are jobs for young and old, green thumbs or novices, those who are restricted in movement, and those literally do the heavy lifting.
People have already offered to volunteer in the garden to make cups of tea for those doing the weeding and harvesting.
Volunteers are the key to so many ministries in the parish, from an Anglican Women catering team, to children’s and family ministry, to the community morning tea, to the op shop and upcycling.
The community garden is another outward, community-focused part of St Luke’s mission – welcoming the community onto its land and seeking to meet a need.