Standards for Clergy and Church Workers
The standards applying to clergy and church workers are contained in the document Faithfulness in Service, a code for personal behaviour and the practice of pastoral ministry by clergy and church workers.
This code was adopted by the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Australia in 2004 and it’s important for clergy and church workers to understand the code.
The personal behaviour and practices of pastoral ministry required of clergy (bishops, priests, and deacons) of the Anglican Church of Australia are specified in the Holy Scriptures as well as in its Constitution, canons, ordinances, the Book of Common Prayer and the Ordinal.
Although not bound by the promises made by clergy, church workers (lay persons who are employed or hold a position or perform a function within the Anglican Church of Australia) are expected to conform to the same behaviour and practices as clergy—except in areas that apply only to clergy.
This code sets the standard of personal behaviour and practice of pastoral ministry, enabling our community to be a safe place for everyone and ensuring integrity and accountability in the Anglican Diocese of Newcastle.
Retired and in Good Standing
Newcastle Anglican will maintain and publish a list of clergy who have retired, or do not seek a licence or permission for ministry, and remain in good standing.
The Bishop no longer issues limited permission to officiate to clergy aged over 80 years.