Expectations of behaviour in our church community
Jesus told us to love one another as he loves us. As Christians we know our life together is strengthened when our behaviour is consistent with our faith. However, our experience of being together can be difficult, particularly when there are differences. So it is important to be clear about how we will behave towards each other.
- We will value the wellbeing and safety of others, especially children and other vulnerable people.
- We will encourage each other to participate in the life of the church.
- We will consider the impact of our behaviour on others.
- We will protect the safety of all, especially children and other vulnerable people.
- We will treat each other with respect and dignity, irrespective of ability, gender, sexuality, race, age or contribution to the church.
- We will act with integrity and honesty in our interactions with each other.
- We will communicate respectfully with others, and not in a way that threatens, belittles or humiliates.
- We will speak with integrity and honesty, and refrain from speculation and gossip.
- We will respect those who are different from us and not isolate or ridicule them.
- We will listen to and seek to understand the beliefs, opinions and practices of others, even when we do not share their views.
- We will accept responsibility for our part in a conflict.
- We will be willing to play our part in resolving a conflict.
(Approved by General Synod July 2014, revised on 17 April 2020)
(Approved by Newcastle Diocesan Synod October 2015, Revision adopted by the Diocesan Council from 15 May 2021)