We are celebrating National Volunteer Week 2024. Here are two examples of the work our generous volunteers do to support Newcastle Anglican and the wider community.
Chris Thomas
Chris has helped out with a number of different roles, including doing the newsletter and reading sheet, putting together liturgy booklets for worship, and also serving as parish secretary and on the parish council.
She diligently prepares the worship space and liturgy material under the guidance of The Reverend Melanie Whalley.
Chris holds a Lay Readers Licence and assists with Home Communions in the parish while also occasionally providing extended Communion when Reverend Melanie is unable to present for the two monthly Eucharists that serve the less mobile members of the parish.
She also serves and is Crucifer for any Requiem Eucharists held in the parish.
Chris is on the parish roster in the positions of serving in the sanctuary, morning tea, and welcoming. She is a person with a deep faith and willingly volunteers where needed while also stepping back to let others take up roles. Apart from the parish, Chris also volunteered at Samaritans Emergency Relief for a number of years.
Linda Carter
Linda Carter first started worshipping at Christ the King Anglican Church Toronto in 1961.
Six years later, she became an altar assistant and then taught Sunday School.
From 2004 to the present, she has volunteered as a Reader of Bible Readings and Intercessions.
Linda also took on a number of other roles with the parish after retiring in 2010.
These include becoming parish guild secretary and treasurer and being elected to the parish council.
She spent eight years as parish council secretary and currently serves as parish council treasurer.
Linda also volunteered to be coordinator of the Tots ‘n’ Tunes musical program, which was a community outreach program for preschool children, and is church warden, an incumbency board member, and assists in the care of gardens and shrubs around the church.
She also helps with administrative tasks in relation to R3.