To download the Information Pack outlining the process and requirements of the 2020 Parish Annual General Meeting and Annual Parish Returns and relating documentation, please go to the Forms section of the Parish Portal.


All Parishes are required under Part 5 of the Administration of Parishes Ordinance 2010 to hold the Annual General Meeting before 31 March each year.

To assist in preparing for and holding this meeting, please refer to:

Supporting Documentation:

Additional supporting documentation to support your Parish Annual General Meeting include:

  • Annual General Meeting Checklist
  • Annual General meeting notice for posting on the main entrance door to the Church
  • Preliminary Nomination form
  • Nomination, Declaration and Election Form
  • Updated Position Descriptions and Responsibilities for Churchwardens, Missions Secretary, Parish Council Secretary and Parish Council Treasurer
  • Declaration for Ministry Team Members, Synod Representatives, Churchwardens and Parish Councillor’s.

All documents relating to the AGM and Annual Returns process can be downloaded from the Forms section of the Parish Portal.

Positions requiring election:

Annual Elections: The election of two People’s Wardens, the Mission Secretary and members of the Parish Council and/or Resourcing team should occur at the Annual General Meeting as these are annual appointments.

Triennial Elections: Election of Synod Representatives, Incumbency Board members and Alternate Incumbency Board members occur in the year of the First Session of a Synod. This year each Parish is required to elect their Synod Representatives and Incumbency Board Members for the First Session of the Fifty Third Synod.

Code of Conduct:

All members appointed to the Parish Council are to be asked to endorse the Code of Conduct and return a signed copy to the Parish Secretary for retention in the Parish’s Delegated Authority Register. The Code of Conduct can be found in the Diocesan Handbook under Section 3.9 – Model Code of Conduct.


The Annual Parish Returns process consists of two sections:

SECTION 1: Financial Information:

  • Part A: Parish Financial Statements
  • Part B: ACNC Annual Information Statement
  • Part C: Update records of Account Signatories and Office Bearers

SECTION 2: Administrative Information:

  • Part A: Parish Contact and Statistical information
  • Part B: Building Checklist
  • Part C: Cemeteries Return
  • Part D: Insurance Return (mid-year)


All documentation has been updated to allow for ease of use when completing and can be found in the Forms section of the Parish Portal. Documentation provided to assist with completion of the Parish Returns include:

Annual Parish Returns Form – this is a combined document consisting of:

  • SECTION 1: Confirmation of submission of Financial Information:
  • SECTION 2: Administrative Information:
    • Part A: Contact and Statistical Information and;
    • Part B: Building Checklist.

Supporting Documentation:

  • Change of Account Signatories form
  • ASDF identification Procedure form
  • 2020 Mission Giving Target
  • Building Inspection Guidelines

Submission due dates:

ALL Parish returns are to be completed and sent back to the Diocesan Office by the following dates:

  • Section 1: Financial Information is due within seven days of the Parish AGM, in accordance with Section 78 of Administration of Parishes Ordinance.
  • Section 2: Administrative Information is due by no later than 31 March 2020.

We ask for all returns once complete to be returned via email to:

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