Glenrock Anglican, St Martin's
34 Hexham St
NSW 2290
Parish Organisations
Kahibah Kids Playgroup: Every Monday during the school Term from 9:15am til 11:30am Meditation Group: Every Monday at 5pm on Zoom and every Wednesday at 10am in person Glenrock Environment Group every Thursday at 9am Coffee & chat: Every Thursday 11:30am til 12:30pm Learning Circles: Thursday at St Martin’s at 10am or Thursday at 7:30pm on Zoom Mother’s Union meets on the 3rd Wednesday every month at Glenrock Anglican School Mentoring Healing Service every Wednesday at 11am Craft and Chat every Thursday 11:30am til 12:30pm Soul Food 4pm on the first and third Sunday of each month at Glenrock Anglican
Ministry Team
The Reverend Toni Wein Reverend Bob Peattie Karen Lizasoain Community Development Officer Bev Rigby Pastoral Care Coordinator Lorraine Pearce-Adams Parish Secretary Jack Francis Safe Ministry Officer Greg Rigby Warden Dimity Finlay Stuart Bell Warden Sharon Butler Dayle Pascoe Barbara Oliver