An amalgamation between four parishes is the first of its kind within Newcastle Anglican.
And, eight months after its launch, the Upper Hunter Minster – a partnership between Muswellbrook, Denman, Murrurundi and Merriwa parishes – is flourishing.
“We are the first minster in the Newcastle diocese and, from what we know, in Australia,” Rector of Muswellbrook and Incumbent of the Upper Hunter Minster Parishes, Reverend Angela Peverell, said.
“There are minsters in the United States and United Kingdom , but we are unique as far as we can ascertain.”
The Upper Hunter Minster was launched at St Alban’s, Muswellbrook, earlier this year.
It currently has two stipendiary priests based in Muswellbrook and Denman, two non-stipendiary priests in Murrurundi and Merriwa, and a growing team of licenced lay ministers.
The minster is overseen by a council, which consists of the incumbent, clergy, three wardens from each parish, various appointed roles such as a safe ministry officer, and the regional bishop.
It has reduced the burden on non-stipendiary priests, lay leaders and other church volunteers through the centralisation of worship resources, parish and minister communications, safe ministry, property and financial management, and funding for major projects.
Despite sharing resources and working as a combined minster council, each parish continues to hold full status and maintains its own voice at Synod.
Reverend Angela said the collaboration could help grow ministries and missions in the Upper Hunter.
“The minster is a work in progress, but we have come a long way,” she said.
“This is due to building strong team relationships and the support of our bishops, especially Bishop Sonia – our regional bishop.”