On a typical winter’s day in Murrurundi, a large crowd gathered to celebrate the day – 150 years earlier – when the building of St Paul’s Church of England (as it was known then) was dedicated.
Visitors came from near and far on Sunday 23 June to participate in a Celebration of Holy Communion, officiated by Bishop Sonia Roulston, with assistance from Local Priest in Mission, Reverend Barbara Morgan, associate priests Reverend Wendy Jackson and Father John Marsh, and Licensed Lay Assistant Amanda Wharton.
Bishop Sonia also officially dedicated a plaque to commemorate this most auspicious occasion.
The service was followed by a delicious morning tea in the Parish Hall, where visitors and locals were able to reminisce, exchange stories, catch up on local news, renew old friendships and connections, and generally enjoy a festive atmosphere.
Muriel Farnham, a long-time resident of the parish and faithful servant of St Paul’s, had the honour of cutting the celebration cake made and iced by Jane Sullivan.
As always, the success of such a day comes down to the cooperation, commitment and assistance of a dedicated band of workers and a lot of goodwill in the local community.
Congratulations to all involved. The celebration had a real buzz – a fitting result despite the chilly weather.
Rex Dollin deserves a special mention for his tireless work in collecting and collating historical documents, photos, ‘antique’ church items and other memorabilia.
These were displayed in the church itself, the parish hall and Murrurundi’s Museum (dubbed locally as God’s Waiting Room).